When you look at American Politics you see a lot of actions that do not make much sense.  To really dig down to the core root to the problem.  What are the most important core problems?  On social media you hear specific opinions on specific issues, but let’s discuss the core problems.

“Make things as simple as possible, but not simpler.” - Albert Einstein

  1. The 2 party system
    1. The 2 political parties are more alike than different. With only 2 parties then they can be the same on 90% of everything and then they can create wedge issues on the 10% that is different. When you think about the last decade it has been gay marriage, abortion, and gun rights that swing the election. The one thing that the 2 parties agree on is that we cannot have a third viable party. If you have a bunch of parties then you cannot easily position against the other and boil the decision down to a few wedge issues.
    2. Americans are fed a steady diet of specific stories that are examples of how these wedge issues play out.
      1. Stories of that guy who decided to race with the women.
      2. Examples of an immigrant doing something bad
      3. You could come up with examples of both sides of the wedge issues.
  2. Industrial Complexes – Control the narrative and write the laws- Many industries have created a feedback loop that gets laws created and changed to increase their industries These industries write the words that get copied and pasted into the laws. These industry narratives get created and policy gets established. Once started, you feedback the money into the loop and get more laws created and more policy decisions made. The years pass by and the teeth of the industrial complexes only sink in deeper. Top politicians enjoy that second lucrative career in these complexes. This is how law is written. This is how Government policy is created
    1. The Military-Industrial complex was warned about by Eisenhauer. Listen to his words here. The policy is to stir up the conflict to create demand for war products.
    2. The healthcare industrial complex comprises 1/6 of US GNP. They write so many laws that it is pitiful. 
    3. The Education industrial complex gets easy student loans and ample funding.
    4. The Prison Industrial Complex ensures that people become ensnared into the system. They encourage more and stricter laws. They discourage anything that would lessen the number of humans caught up in the system. It is all simple math….More prisoners=More money
    5.  The Energy Industrial Complex – They make a “fair profit” based on a markup of what they spend. Spend more to make more.  Make sure to write laws that don’t allow competition.  Force the consumer to pay you what the bill says you owe or else.


For proof of my statements, I just point you to the fact that spending bills are 1000 pages long and describe trillions of dollars in spending.  These bills are delivered hours before the vote.  They don’t even pretend to read them.

Of course there are a lot of problems with American Politics, all I am saying is that this is what I feel is the root cause of a lot of the problems.